Wednesday 8 December 2010

Note and starting on the video.

I recently added the note onto the case as a little bit of joy to the reader and have started on my video I have taken a few video clips from the Internet and am using Adobe Premiere Pro to make a new video I have taken the main track from one of the video which is a quirky little song about zombies on your lawn as this was the main promotional sourcebefore the game was release I decided to use it also the video showcases just 3 of the types of zombie in the game one of these being the zombie bobsled team I used the razor tool to cut out the clips after I had unlinked the main clip from its audio so that it all still matched with the narration on the screen and the singing sunflower.
A few of the clips had to be re sized so I had the simple task of just dragging the clips in the editing window this worked fine and now all clips are the same size.
I added a few video transitions into the clips such as the dip to black the ziz-zag box and a few more for the zig-zag box I didn't want it coming in from the top to bottom so I simply went into the edit effect window and just ticked the reverse box I also did this with other effects in different ways till they were to my liking.
At one point (When the zombie bobsled team shows up) I have the sound cut out and a DJ scratch placed in just to add to the comedy style of the game I had to edit the audio that brings the song in as it also has an already placed scratch that I just had to make louder to bring the song and the feel back to the norm after the "huh?" moment.
To finish up the video I took the tag line from another existing video "Get Ready To Soil Your Plants" to also add to the comedy style and as its also a very catchy line that makes people smile.

Monday 22 November 2010

Lighting on the title.

I added a title into my game case but thought it a little too plain so I went into filter > render > lighting effects and added some extra lighting

I went with the light brighter on the word Plants and darker on the word Zombies kind of giving it a look of good vs evil I also added a screenshot of game play on the back so that there is a small glimpse of game play its self this is the current result.

Friday 19 November 2010

Spine, coverfronts and titles oh my!..

I have added a title to the spine of the games case I also added the age rating I also thought that just the plain green background with a grassy look just wasn't enough so I took a picture of the zombies and made it slightly transparent so that it is still visible but so it doesn't dominate the grassy look of the background I did this by going to, Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options and adjusting the opacity this is what it currently looks like.

Back Page Note

Instead of the normal little bit of information about the game I decided to leave a note (Like the zombies drop in game after you beat each stage) but rather than copying one of the notes already in game I decided to create my own note by taking some of the existing notes cutting out the letters with the polygonal line tool just to make things easier and quicker, when cutting out all the letters one by one I had allot of layers so I grouped the layers into the words just to keep my layers tab as clean and organised as possible it also allowed for easy movement of the complete word rather than moving them one by one in the right place I couldn't find an F so I had to slice up a T and an R then stick them together to make the F.The note says.
Hello, We are the Zombies cud we boro a cup of brainz Sincerely, the Zombies.
This is the finished note.

Monday 15 November 2010

Plants VS Zombies CD Cover

Working on the CD case for my Plants VS Zombies project at the moment I have put in a textured green background and using the diffuse glow filter to give it more of a look of grass with this game being all about gardens I thought this to be my best way forward I also used the ruler tool to mark out where the spine of the case will be so I have a clear view of what will be front and back (Although it does not show in this picture).

I also cut out the face of a plant from the game as well as a zombie, I did this with the magic wand tool after adjusting the tolerance slightly to get the best results in certain areas and added them into my case.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Mood Board

I decided to put together a mood board with all my idea's for how I would make the games cover and label I always had the vision of the art being cartoony and joy full, very light and bubbly but also trying to show the speed and intensiveness of the game also that the game itself is as marketable to adults as it is to children and that it has the feel and easy to pick up and play of all other popcap games.

Monday 27 September 2010

Starting off Idea

We have to make a CD case, Short 1 minute video and a CD cover, I have chosen the PopCap game
"Plants vs Zombies" I will make my three items cartoony with lots of bright colours as to follow along with the look of the game I will also make it fun and bubbly but also try to capture the intensiveness to go with the feel of the game.

Picture taken from Plants vs Zombie's Review. [online] Available at 
[Accessed 27/09/2010]